Saturday, November 29, 2008

An Evening with Nick Vujicic

Well for sure it's been a much anticipated event of the month. His story has been around for few years already and i finally got the chance to meet him outside YouTube. What a loss that we couldn't hug him one by one as scheduled. His Hong Kong tour was just a bit too packed. Guess the organizer was making full use of the cost they spent on the event. But judging from Nick's sunshine smile all along, I think he felt complete in this trip. He definitely would not forget this brilliant translator of the night who even made sense of his every single body language which in turn added extra colours to such a formulated seminar. Just not to mention how many times tears had welled up in my eyes, Nick's speech was gorgeous. I've listened to the same content at least more than once online, but the live impact was not at all diminished. He's a true miracle and he creates miracles in others' life. Wish him all the best on the Mainland tour!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

a book to share, a thousand look to bear...

努力了一年的書快將面世,心情有點複雜,兼任設計與助理編輯,更可於PageOne出售,該是樂極了的喜事,可我卻擔心其質量叫人失望。設計過程本來就千奇百怪,有人因一個突如其來的靈感一夜成名,有人十年寒窗為人類帶來無盡的福祉,更有人只為挑起你的物慾而不斷設計廢物... 諷刺地這本探討設計過程的書卻用上了同一個框架來處理六個不同的案例,加上單一的排版,把設計者的個性完全淹沒,造就了一本工具書,卻成不了一本兩者兼備的設計書,可惜。
